Did you know coffee capsules can be used to plant flowers? Read on and find out how!
How to recycle used coffee capsules by planting a plant
There are many ways to recycle a used Aiello Nespresso compatible capsule, as you’ll find out by browsing our blog. Some of these DIY are very funny and can be done with your kids for a different afternoon! This one, is also a “green” activity, by reusing the capsules you avoid for them to end up in your trash bin.
This is a method employed by expert gardeners as well, and from now on, by you as well!
How to grow plants using used coffee capsules
The reason why an Aiello Nespresso compatible coffee capsules is perfect to grow a seed is its size, being so tiny in fact, it creates the perfect environment for a seed to sprout.
You have two options here:
- You can use soil: after having washed thoroughly your capsules, pierce three little holes in the lower side of it. Put in it a little bit of moist soil and add the 2/3 seeds you’d like to grow in it. Add more dry soil on top of them.
- You can use cotton wool: just like you did before, clean the capsules and perforate it. Add a small quantity of wet cotton in it and put the seeds on top of it. After that, you can cover them with another bit of wet cotton wool.
Contrary from what one would think, you should never pour water on the capsules, as you’d create an atmosphere which would be too humid for the plant to grow, and the seeds could go rotten. Instead, just nebulize the capsules with very little water once every 3 days. All you need to do now is watching them grow! They will sprout and grow roots.
When this happens, you know they are ready to be moved to a bigger jar with soil. You might pick a pot that is of the right size for the plant to grow, or you can also choose to plant it in your backyard if you are lucky enough to have one. This way, your once little plant will grow big and majestic!
What plants should you plant using this method? You pick! It’s suitable for aromatic plants, flowers, or small-seeded veggies!